Ops Insights #020 Your Story is Your North Star
September 1, 2023 | Read Time: 4 minutes | Written by Jenny Kleintop
Have you ever looked back at your career and thought how did I get here? Today, I want to encourage you to reflect on your start in the nonprofit sector. Why did you get into philanthropy in the first place?
Here’s my story: I had been working at my college's career center helping students land internships. It was a comfortable role, but deep down, I knew it was time to move on. I wanted to live in another state one day, so I chose a company that was national - Kaplan Test Prep. Sure enough that part-time job led to a full-time job after college in another state. I was helping high school, college, grad, and med students prep for exams. We were in the basement so every month I’d figure out a theme to decorate the office. March Med-ness was one of my favorites.
After four years, I started to get the itch for a greater purpose. I had this feeling inside that I was meant to have a bigger impact and make a bigger difference so I went searching for something where I could have a more meaningful purpose… and that's when I made the transition into the nonprofit world.
Today, 15 years later, I'm still here, working to make a difference for you, your peers, your team, and our entire industry. Why? Because this is the journey I’m meant to be on and I love the work. As you can attest to, often it’s not easy, but those moments, the ones in between the ups and downs where a slow smile comes over my face, a great sense of purpose bubbles up, and I realize I am exactly where I’m meant to be… it’s amazing.
How about the moments? The moments where:
You witness a child’s life saved because of donations.
You witness a little boy hugging his grandfather because donations helped his grandfather get the treatment he needed.
You witness a single mother crying as she looks at the house that was re-built for her after a natural disaster because of donations.
You witness a hopeful girl who persevered through much adversity growing up, graduating from college, and going on to dedicate her life to helping others (this is me by the way).
These are only a few examples of how much good happens because of donations. This is simply the end result of all the good that happens. It starts with a list pull, a research request, a thank you call, and on and on.
Then it turns into donations touching the lives of so many because of you and your team. Why don't we talk about these moments more?
Now, it’s your turn… What is your story?
Take a few minutes to reflect on your story. Go out to lunch or have a Zoom coffee/tea with a friend to talk about it. It’s your north star.
How did you get into philanthropy?
What are two inspirational stories you’ve witnessed because of donations?
What motivates, inspires, and keeps you going in an industry where burnout is real?
It’s not always easy, often it’s a lot, but remembering and sharing the moments helps us march onward.
And I want to see you keep marching on. You’ve got this.
Whenever you're ready, there are two other ways to get help:
Weekly Insights: Receive these Insights directly in your inbox each week to learn, grow, and accelerate your expertise of philanthropy operations, prospecting, and data. Add your email here.
Hands-On Support: Get personalized assistance when you need it the most through fractional support. View here.