Ops Insights #006 Prospect Management Limited Time
May 12, 2023 | Read Time: 2 minutes | Written by Jenny Kleintop
Prospect management provides the highest ROI of all the areas in philanthropy operations, but often it is the most ignored in small to midsize nonprofit organizations.
Don’t get me wrong, I love all areas of philanthropy operations and believe all are vital. I have just learned over the years that it’s prospect management where you can show and get the highest ROI if you invest resources, energy, and effort into it.
This does not mean you have to start doubling up your hours or conquering the world by yourself. It means, if you are flying solo or on a small team overloaded with competing priorities, you have to find a way to clear the path so you can elevate prospect management efforts.
What is Getting in the Way?
Why is prospect management on the back-burner?
Limited time?
Limited staff?
Limited internal expertise?
Limited budget to enlist external resources?
Today, Let’s Unpack Limited Time.
Remember, prospect management will provide the highest ROI and if you can be part of the solution, that is a good thing.
Start with small steps. Carve out two days and commit to surfacing the top 10 prospects for fundraisers using the following 5 steps.
Identify who is currently in your database.
Screen them for engagement.
Screen them for giving capacity.
Filter the top 10 that screen high in both.
Put together a few stats and some background on them. Tip: ensure there is contact info, such as phones, email, employer info, and even a LinkedIn link if you can find one.
Then schedule time to talk through these top 10 with your fundraisers. Show them the data and what information you have gathered so they can do personalized outreach.
It is Possible. I Just Did This.
Last week I took a day to do #1-3 and yesterday I did #5.
I sent a link to the document I created that is stored on a secure network (as remember email is not secure).
The meeting is scheduled for Monday to talk through the names (notice how I said talk through).
You’ve got this. Go find those top 10 prospects.
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